eSail Sailing Simulator | The Official Website of Virtual Sailing for PC & Mac

Live Sailing & Sandbox

Live Sailing enables you to explore the world of eSail exactly how you want to. Cruise the islands on your own or switch to multiplayer mode.

  • Talk to other sailors using eSail’s ‘VHF’ chat radio. You have 19 channels to choose from with CH16 being used for initiating communication as well as listening for weather forecasts (on the hour).
  • Find points of interest (POIs) to achieve Master Explorer status and open up new sailing areas.
  • Practise skills like man overboard (add on required)
  • Create and join races, time trials and passages.

Sandbox provides a way of developing your skills in a controlled environment where you are in charge of the wind and waves.

Explore sailing

Explore Points of Interest

Imagine chartering a yacht and then heading off to explore the canals of Little Venice or an active volcano (Mt. Mallory). Wherever you go there are points of interest (POIs) to discover.

Once you have collected the first POIS, a new level opens up with another chart and whole new areas to sail.

Some POIs are easy to find – others need a little more perseverance…

eSail multiplayer race

Multiplayer Challenges

Multiplayer challenges are created by a small team of volunteers and are available to all players using the menu inside eSail.

  • Races with up to 10 boats with various levels of difficulty
  • Time trials
  • Passages – which can also include finding Points of Interest (POIs)

Whichever challenge you choose, it is helpful to learn keyboard shortcuts and know a bit about trimming sails for optimum twist – see Advanced Tutorials.

Create your own challenges

To make a challenge you first need to create a course. This means sailing (or motoring) to your chosen area and dropping marker buoys from your stern into the water.

Each course can be used for multiple challenges – races, time trials or passages where participants use their sailing or navigational skills to follow your course.

Share your challenges with friends using a unique access code. Just paste it into the built in VHF chat or send by email, social media etc.

Sandbox - trim your sails


Using sandbox you can set wind speed, direction, wave height and see how your boat responds with different sail plans and trim. The readouts give you instant feedback to show how the lift and drag forces are working on your sails.

Sandbox also shows your heel as well as how your speed is being reduced by over-heeling. Working out how to reduce heel by adding sail twist is one of the most useful skills when racing.

eSail is available for Windows and Apple Mac.
Join the eSailing community now!